New features coming soon

Posted by & filed under News, Server, Stats, Tracking, Update.

Hi all, maybe you have noticed, that there have been only a little activity in terms of updating features on the WoTcs. Well, it was because I had a lot of work lately, but I want to assure you that I am far from done with this project.

Better clan statistics and new feature

Posted by & filed under Stats, Update.

Sometimes when you looked at daily stats of a clan, some weird numbers might have caught your attention. This could be for example a negative count of played battles, which is obviously incorrect. This is caused when a player left (or joined) a clan and number of played battles for instance is lower (or too… Read more »

Yet again something new

Posted by & filed under Server, Stats, Tracking, Update.

Maybe you have noticed, maybe you haven’t, but there have been an update yesterday. Mostly, it changed the way the server loads data from Wargaming, and should be significantly faster. However there are some changes, which are more visible. That is the loss of light tank column in clan member list and huge simplification of… Read more »

About me, this project and new update

Posted by & filed under Server, Stats, Tracking, Update.

Hi, My name is adikus, or Andrej in RL. I am a student from Slovakia, currently studying at University of Glasgow. I started this project two years ago as a simple tool made just for my clan. Then an idea came to me to make it public. Ever since then it was improving and number… Read more »